Pro Alert OEE Calculations

Planned Operational = Time frame - Total Planned DT

Run Time (Operational Time) = Planned Operational - Total DT

Target Cycles = Run Time * (Work Center/Product defined rate for cycles/hour)

Actual Units = Actual Cycles * (Work Center/Product defined ratio Units/Cycle)

Availability: Run Time / Planned Operational

Performance: Actual Cycles / Target Cycles

Quality: (Actual Units - (scrap: mfg + other + rework)) / Actual Units

OEE = Performance * Availability * Quality

Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) = Operational Time / Number of DT Events (Minutes)

Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) = Total DT / Number of DT Events (Minutes)

ProAlert's Relevant Business Rules

  • Only one Planned DT can exist per work center at one time
  • Multiple DT events can exist at one time for a work center
    • ProAlert will condense multiple WC DTs into one value where calls overlap
  • Planned DTs will reduce DT times by the amount they overlap, mitigating the negative effects of DTs

ProAlert OEE Calculation Differences

Run Time (Operational Time) = Planned Operation - reduced Total DT (where planned overlapped unplanned)

Additional Calculations

  • Salvaged Time (overlap of planned/unplanned)
  • Start/Stop time variances compared to schedule
  • Time to First Cycle after down times